Chamber The Cartridge

by Rise Against

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:31 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


The Sufferer and the Witness

Song Author

Tim McIlrath

Tabbed by



1st → Tim - Vocals
2nd → Chris Chasse - Guitarr
3rd → Backing Vocals
4th → Joe Principe - Bass
5th → Tim McIlrath - Guitar
6th → Extra Guitar One
7th → Brandon Barnes - Drums
8th → Extra Guitar Two

File Size

108 KB




Down be-yond these ci-ty streets, through gut-ters filled with black de-bris, in al-leys void of an-y light, where name-less things live out of sight. Down through the scra-pers of the sky, past ne-on words glow-ing all night. Ech-oes by names be-tween each car, are you hap-py where you are? Blind to this im-pend-ing fate, we let the world car-ry our weight. It's back breaks with eve-ry mile, but we all live in de-nial! Can we be sav-ed? Has the dam-age all been done? Is it too late to re-verse what we've be-come? A les-son to lea-rn at a cru-cial point in time. What's mine was al-ways yours and yours is mine... And so we car-ry on each day, as if our lifes are not so grey, while eve-ry breath that we take we on-ly suf-fo-cate. Brush past a my-ri-ad of scenes; a home-less vet crashed on Wall Street, A sin-gle mum of three, a T-V per-son-al-i-ty! Blind to this im-pen-ding fate, they let the world car-ry their weight. It's back breaks with eve-ry mile, but they all live in den-ial! Can we be sav-ed? Has the dam-age all been done? Is it too late to re-verse what we've be-come? A les-son to lea-rn at a cru-cial point in time. What's mine was al-wa-ys yours and yours is mine... Sa-ve us, fr-om what we have be-come to-night.... Ey-es glazed with dis-trust, No sense of wrong o-r right. Sa-ve us, fr-om what we have be-come to-night.... Ey-es glazed with dis-trust, No sense of wrong o-r right. Sa-ve us, fr-om what we have be-come to-night.... Ey-es glazed with dis-trust, No sense of wrong o-r right. Can we be saved? Has the dam-age all been done? Is it too late to re-verse what we've be-come? A les-son to lea-rn at a cru-cial point in time. What's mine was al-wa-ys yours and yours is mine...